We are all equal: Frog

Dear Editor,

I was asked why I would vote NO. Simple reason. In 1967 we were asked to vote for all Australians to be equal. And what a good result that was.

Since then, different Governments and do-gooders have changed things around. They say our Aborigines do not live as long as others.

What nonsense. If you look after yourself like anyone else, there is no reason you can’t. Then there is a problem with schooling and health, and housing, it’s all there for everyone. Just turn up at school and doctors. As for housing, how many more houses do tax payers need to pay for?

The Housing Commission, if that’s what they are called these days, stopped paying rent collectors and inspectors years ago to keep an eye on the homes, making sure they were kept neat and tidy. These days they don’t care if a client wrecks the house and makes a tip in the yards. The tax payer will pay to have it cleaned up and replaced.

If you are living in small communities, you won’t get a job because there is none. So, the poor old tax payer comes in handy again.

Just remember we are all Australians. Born and bred here in the last 200 odd years. Nobody is any different, no matter what colour or race.

And also, a magpie is a magpie and a crow is a crow. You will never change either into the other, and if you say I am a racist, you have a problem, not me. To all you voters out there think before you vote, as to whether we are equal.

Thank you,

Paul Edwards. Hay


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