Congratulations on recent letters

Dear Madam

Please allow me a small space in your wonderful paper to congratulate two recent contributors (9/8) Chris McClelland and Shelley Scoullar.

They both wrote excellent letters presenting facts on two very serious issues that our nation is facing - they being the MBD plan with the pending buy backs of productive water and the forthcoming referendum on the voice to Parliament. Both of these issues if implemented have the potential to have extremely negative outcomes for our wonderful country.

We saw what happened in WA when they introduced knee jerk legislation to protect aboriginal heritage. What Rio Tinto did was without question unacceptable but as we saw once the wrong people became involved with carrying out the new law the Government of the day couldn’t wait to rescind it in its present form as they realised that the state would grind to a halt.

However, if we find we have the same outcome upon the Yes vote being successful I doubt we have the luxury of rectifying it as it will be enshrined in the Constitution as I understand it. By all means recognise Indigenous people in our constitution but it is the devil in the detail and the unknown that we are being asked to vote Yes for that I see as the problem.

Educate and advise us what we are actually voting for Albo. When I hear and see the likes of Noel Pearson and other activists espousing treaty reparation and compensation, I become extremely nervous. And as for removing more productive water from the food bowl when we have an overpopulated planet with huge numbers of people starving, is quite beyond me.

Yours, Marg Harvey.

Hay, NSW


Thumbs Up to Shear Outback


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